
Our life is getting more and more fast paced.
Mobile map will show us the shortest path in a moment.

But what if there is a treasure out of the shortest path?
Aren’t we starting to lose accidental encounters, by the optimized path?

Passage+ with its unique navigation, supports your discoveries and encounters.

Now run Passage+ and look around you through the screen. Walk to the place where Passage+ indicates. Discover what guidebook doesn't teach you. Passage+ is helping you to find your treasures.

Download and install "Passage+" from the AppStore. Run Passage+ and look around you through the screen.

Press "Map" button to see the Map of Nara Park. You can set a distination in this mode.

Press "Passage+" button to play the game mode. You can get scores as you walk around Nara Park.

You will drop virtual lotus leaves as you walk. The leaves will stay where you dropped for a while. But they will disappear as time passes.

If some other users of Passage+ steps on your leaves, they turn into lotus flowers, the stepper and you will get a higher score.

If you step on the other users' leaves, the leaves turn into flowers, and the stepper and you will get a higher score.

Friends of Nara will visit you as you get scores.

Now walk around and step on leaves!

Passage+ goes on a display on art exhibition at ACM Multimedia Cunference 2012 NARA, Japan.